

Activities of July 2004

1. Africa Section took the initiative to celebrate Africa Day-25 May, by organizing seminar held on 24 May 2004 at the AAPSO's Headquarters. Preparations for this seminar were conducted by MM. Kamal Baa Eddine, Julien, Mohamed Abdel Gaphar as well as Mrs Wahba Youssreya. Africa section  prepared a speech of Dr Morad Ghaleb for this occasion as well as a statement on "Africa Day-25 May".


2. A statement on implementation of Durban Conference's Programme of Action (Word Conference against Racism, WCR) was made and sent to Ms Sandra Aragon, Anti-Discrimination Unit, as requested by the Office of High Commissioner on Human Rights, OHCHR, Geneva.


3. Africa section ( together with some delegates from India) represented AAPSO at the 60th Session of the UN Commission on Human Rights in Geneva, March, 2004. The representative from the  Permanent Secretariat had attended the plenary sessions during his stay in Geneva as well as many extra-plenary meetings where he intervened with statements reflecting the views and position of AAPSO pertaining to the issues raised in these meetings.
4. Statement on UNCTAD-IX was prepared on behalf of the Development section.

5. E-mail was sent (19 May 2004) to Ms Monica Van Tonder (African Institute of South Africa, AISA) about exchange of Newsletter.

6. E-mail was sent ( 20 May 2004) to the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (ACHPR) apologizing for not being able to attend the 35th ordinary session of the ACHPR , Banjul, The Gambia, 21 May-4 June 2004.

7. E-mail was sent ( 20 May 2004) to Mr Carlos Magarinos, apologizing for not being able to attend the 28th session of the UNIDO Board, Vienna 25-27 May 2004.

8. A fax was sent to AFASPA on June 10, 2004, reminding them about sending informations related to the UNESCO-sponsored "World Forum on Human Rights" held in Nantes, France. AFASPA was invited to represent AAPSO at this Conference. Until now ( July 11. 2004) no one single information was received from AFASPA.

9. A congratulatory letter was addressed to His Excellency Carlos Gomes, Head of the PAIGC ( Parti Africain pour l'Indépendance de la Guinée et du Cap Vert) following the  election and his nomination as Prime Minister of Guinea-Bissau/Cap Vert, stressing that the changes occuring in the world did not alter the close relationship between AAPSO and PAIGC.

10.  Letter was dispatched to African Ambassadors in Cairo requesting them to provide AAPSO with names and addresses of organisations and civil society in their respective countries in view of promoting and maintaining contacts and relation with them.

11. A report about the seminar organized by AAPSO on the Africa-Day (25 May) was distributed to some African organisations  and personalities.

12. Contacts and conversation were conducted with His Excellency Ambassador of the African Union to the Arab League, M. Muftah M. Zawam, before he left to Addis-Abeba to attend the African Union Summit (July 2004), requesting him to continue sending informations about AU and reminding him about his promise to give AAPSO some names of African organisations (NGOs).

July 11th, 2004